Voting has kicked off in Lavasoft’s first ever Skin Design Contest. Vote now for your favorite skin to help choose the final design that will be featured in the release of the new version of Ad-Aware!
And for all of you designers and artists out there – skin design submissions will be open until August 20. Those taking part in our closed beta testing can log-in to MyLavasoft now for more details on how to create and submit your design.
You may have noticed that we posted some instruction videos for Ad-Aware a while ago. If you haven't watched them already, I highly recommend it - Patrick's done a great job with these with lots of useful information, especially in the later installments.
While we are on the subject of Internet video, has published a couple of nice video reviews for Ad-Aware and Lavasoft Personal Firewall in Swedish. So if you speak the language of vikings, check out the videos - they're quite well made. Swedish review of Ad-Aware 2008 Pro Swedish review of Lavasoft Personal Firewall
The team at Lavasoft are very happy to announce the launch of our new German website. Back in 1999 Lavasoft begun in Germany, therefore the company has a strong German heritage which makes this an important milstone in our companys history. As we move towards 10 years of Lavasoft, it is great to launch our website translated into the German language to honor our German roots.
Ad-Aware continues to travel the world and has now picked up enough of Dutch and Italian to be able to communicate with its users in these languages! They are both included in the latest software update.
In other news, Ad-Aware's traveling partner - the Lavasoft Website - now also speaks Nederlands and Italiano so be sure to check them out through the language selector at the top of the page.
Over the last weeks, we have quietly expanded our Spyware Education Center with several nice and short articles about some current computer security threats. So why not spend a few spare minutes during your weekend and become (even more) educated?
Just a quick update for our Firewall customers:
We have added the updated PDF manual for Lavasoft Personal Firewall 2.0 to the Support Center now so get your copy while supplies last (excuse the e-distribution humor).
Nice work Tobias, it looks great!
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If you see us writing something you think the world (or a friend) would be better off knowing about - please click "Share This" to add the blog post to your favorite social bookmarking service and spread the word. You can also use "Share This" to e-mail the link to a friend. All of this is courtesy of the excellent "Share This" plugin by the equally excellent Wordpress wizard, Alex King. Thanks Alex!
And also, congratulations Jason!
We, the Web Dev here at Lavasoft, have been quite busy improving every nook and cranny of our site.
Our latest update makes it easier for you to handle your purchased licenses. You know - downloading the software, upgrading old SE licenses to the new Ad-Aware 2007 and renewing your licenses that has expired.
If you haven't noticed, we now have RSS feeds up and running for both our blogs. Besides adding them to the feed reader of your choice, we have also provided links that instantaneously add them to your personalized homepage at MyYahoo, Google or MyMSN.
A quick tip: Research always posts to the News from Research blog when they release a new definition file, so if you subscribed to the feed you would get notified.